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Print Collateral
When your marketing plan calls for high-class, print media, Tampa Creative offers a single-source solution to all your marketing needs.

Promotional offerings include point-of-sale displays, brochures and catalogues, promotional items, folios, door hangers, and more.
Marketing Tips
Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online whereby you as the publisher are rewarded for helping a business by promoting their product, service or site. There are a different forms of affiliate marketing. In most cases each one involves you as the publisher earning a commission when someone follows a link on your blog or website to another site and then in turn they buy something or take some other course of action.
Marketing Tips
If you build an online business they will come, maybe in a perfect world. With so much competition there is alot to do before the website development even begins.

Start first by going on a fact finding mission. Who are your target consumers? What do they need? How do you appeal to them? Are you missing out on a potential audience interested in your merchandise or service?
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